Top 5 stretches to do before every surf session (from Elyse at Elysian Physical Therapy)

Recommended by Elyse Quartini at Elysian Physical Therapy
Here we have our top 5 stretches to do before every surf session to prevent surf injury by Elyse Quartini at Elysian Physical Therapy
As surfers we all know the stiffness that getting thrown around under water (and getting older) creates, and we all want to stay in the water as long as possible. So we asked a physical therapist specializing in treating surfers just how we can stay limber. Here are her top 5 stretches to do before every surf session to prevent surf injury and stay limber (Always make sure you check with your doctor that you are cleared from injury and okay to perform these stretches). Check out our top 5 strengthening exercises as well.
5 stretches to do before every surf session (if cleared from injury)
Latissimus/Shoulders Stretch
In kneeling position, place bent elbows on stable surface in front of you. Sit your hips back and stretch your arms over your head keeping your elbow flexed. Hold for 15 seconds. 2 sets
Shoulder External Rotation (Part of Rotator Cuff) Stretch
Keeping shoulder blades back and down, place the back of your hand on the small of your back. Maintaining that contact, press your elbow forward. You should feel a stretch deep in your shoulder. Hold 15 seconds, 2 sets.
Hip External Rotation Stretch (Figure 4) Hold 15 seconds, 2 sets.
3 Options
1. Lying on your back with knees bent, place one ankle across your opposite knee. Keeping your sacrum on the ground, place your hand at the crease of your thigh and gently press away. Hold 15 seconds.
2. Begin in the position above but then wrap your hands around the base thigh and pull both legs towards you.
3. Place one foot on the wall, knee at a 90-degree bend. Place the other ankle across the knee and gently press at the crease of your thigh. Your sacrum should stay connected to the ground.
Low Back (Lumbar) Extension Mobility
Lie on your stomach and keep your glutes and legs relaxed. Hold 15 seconds, 2 sets.
3 Options
1. Rise up on forearms as far as comfortable so that you feel gentle pressure in your low back. Hold for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Keep your lower body relaxed the whole time.
2. Place your hands beneath your soulders and push up so that you feel gentle pressure in your low back. Hold for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. so that you feel gentle pressure in your low back. Hold for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
3. If pushing up with your arms in the above position is too much on your shoulders, you can walk your hands forward so you have more leverage.
Upper Back (Thoracic) Rotation Mobility

Position yourself on hands and knees. Slide one hand to the side beneath the opposite arm, twisting through your torso and rest your shoulder and head on the floor if possible. Use that opposite arm to press into the floor for more stretch. Hold 15 seconds, 2 sets.